

Use and Care

Following these tips you can increase the lifetime of an electrode, while improving the quality and reliability of measurements.


-The electrodes should be rinsed (not stored) after each test with distilled or deionized water. They should not be stored in distilled water.
-Never wipe an electrode by rubbing it, rubbing may cause false indications.
-Wipe gently with absorbent paper (toilet paper) in order to absorb the traces of the remaining liquid.

Preservation – Storage

-The electrodes should always be stored in a way that their diaphragm remains liquid. All electrodes are stored in a solution of potassium chloride (KCl), except for double junction electrodes which are stored in the appropriate electrolyte (depending on their use).
-For a short period store the electrode in a solution of KCl.
-For a longer period store the electrode in its special hood after you fill it with KCl and then seal with Parafilm to avoid wastage.
-The electrodes should never be stored in: distilled or deionized water (they decrease their life), the sample that we measure, solvents, hydrochloric acid, buffer pH, which contain preservatives with mercury.

General tips

-The electrodes that have a replacement hole notice the level of the electrolyte of the electrode and re-fiill it if it is necessary.
-The connections with the pH-meter cable should be clean and dry.
-If the electrode needs to be cleaned naturally, use a soft paper (tissue paper) impregnated with a soft detergent.
-Check the electrode periodically for cracks or other damage.